I've been searching for a solution for quite a while, but I cannot find a way to solve this in PD...
In Max, it is possible to create a receive without an argument, and then receive has an inlet, where you can pass the name of the variable we wish to receive.
However, I cannot find an equivalent in PD. I've gotten so far, that it is possible, to create in an abstraction (say myab.pd) a
[receive $1-p]
for instance; however, I cannot pass to receive through a _signal_ the parameter I want. That is, the only way I can get the abstraction to receive from 1-p, 2-p etc. is to make each abstraction [myab 1], [myab 2] etc.. I would however like to somehow pass the receives through a changing signal, eg. a timer.
(Basically I would like to avoid creating millions of receives/abstractions if I have to count up to a million...)Or rephrasing again the question; is it possible to pass to an abstraction a parameter through a signal? (signal->inlet->$1 where $1 is local to the abstraction)
Anyone any ideas? I would be really grateful, I've been searching for this for quite a while now...
Cheers -
Wow, thanks, that's exactly it. And true, I'm not too used yet to the terminology, but I'll try and pay more attention in the future. Thanks again!