• rayD8

    I've created a 3D visualizer called Synaesthesure. It uses the BS Contact engine by Bitmanagement. It pipes processed audio data directly into the scene graph for easy access to it by a content creator. (PD isn't used for that capability)

    I'm trying to use PD to create some UIs that can be used on various OSes, and as an OSC bridge to Synaesthesure. Synaesthesure has a TCP-based protocol for controlling it remotely, and its TCP commands are human-readable text. I had to use TCP for reliability reasons - commands can't get missed.

    Step 1: Was to get a TCP client going in PD that can connect to Synaesthesure. So far, so good on this part. I used mrpeach tcp-client example to build from.

    Step 2: Be able to send data. The patch can successfully send data in binary form. But that makes it so one can't quickly/easily add new commands/buttons. It'd be nice to be able to use commands like "LOADSCENE=Into the Orb", instead of the binary equivalent. [str to_list] gets rid of the spaces, so that's failing, but otherwise it does get the message converted, sent, and received.

    Step 3: The TCP command messages to be sent need a termination character. I want to append CHR(127) / byte value of 127 as a terminator to the string / byte array. It could be ^ as a terminator instead, if 127 (DEL key) is an issue since 127 is unprintable in PD. I tried semi-colons but they're getting stripped off.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. It's seems so simple, but I'm 1.5 days into using PD and have been getting frustrated on this simple task of dealing with a string. Especially seeing how easy it is to get OSC data flowing.


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  • rayD8

    Was on IRC. Is there a benefit of the way you propose vs:

    [LOADSCENE=Into the Orb(
    [moocow/any2bytes 128 127]

    Also, should I be including the lib name in [mrpeach/str list] in the patches,
    or is that just for communication purposes on forums?

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  • rayD8

    I just ran into this too, but it seems to let me use the port number I want (17002) if I save the patch in the mrpeach folder. That seems like a bad thing to do though.

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