• qwerty24

    Hi guys,

    I have a file with amplitudes for each bin in the frequency domain (generated using [rfft~] and [qr_sqrt~].

    The values in the file are based on the following patch.
    |\ |\
    [*~] [*~]
    | /
    | /
    [+~ ]

    I am not sure how I can take those amplitude values and apply them using the inverse Fourier transform.

    I tried but failed in my test of getting the same output as input before and after the Fourier transform.

    Try to see my attached file to see the issue.
    After loading a file and clicking the bang, observe the console where I am printing some output. The original and inverse does not match each other.

    Thanks in advance :)


    posted in technical issues read more
Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!