• purple

    Hi everyone!

    I've been using GEM for a couple of days now, pd for couple of months, so I hope you understand I'm quite a noob with this. I have a problem I've been trying to find solution for from this forum and from google, but haven't succeeded, so maybe you can help me. Here's the problem: I've made an sequencer which sends 2 XYZ-positions (starting point and end point) to [curve 2]-object for every step it takes. [curve] updates whenever it receives new new starting- and end point-values and previous location is cleared. Now this is how it should be of course, but I would like that previous curve would stay on screen and not cleared. How can this be done without having new [curve] for every step? How can I use the same [curve]-object and just send new position values to it and previous [curve]-position is stored and shows on screen?

    Thank you.

    posted in pixel# read more
Internal error.

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