• pnoe

    I would like to use the object framp~ which gives the amplitude and frequency of FFT components.
    But I didn't understand really well how I can use it.
    The thing is I want to cut my sound in frames of 46 ms (2048 samples /44100Hz) and for each frame get the amplitude and frequency.
    Has somebody an idea how to set parameters to do this?
    Thank you

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  • pnoe

    I installed Pd-0.39.3-extended on my computer (Linux) because I need to use the library flib but when I tried to run it I got the following message : "Floating point exception"
    Does anybody know how to fix this problem or know another way to install flib?
    Thank you

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  • pnoe


    I am looking for information about the installation of Pd under IRIX.
    I tried to install Pd and when I type "./configure" I got
    "no tcl librairy found"
    but they are installed on the computer..
    Can someboby help me?


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  • pnoe


    I use Cygwin I would like to install Pure Data.
    I Installed the package X11 and tcltk of Cygwin. When I type "./configure" that's ok but then for "make install" I got the error :

    d-osc.c:39:2: #error Note byte order defined
    d-array.c:527:2: #error Note byte order defined
    make: *** [makefile.dependencies] Error 1

    Is there someboby who can help me or give me a link for a tutorial to install Pure Data under Cygwin?

    Thank you,


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  • pnoe

    yes I tried to install several versions but it is always the same thing.
    Any suggestions?

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  • pnoe


    I am on Ubuntu and when I launch Pd I get this :

    ../lib/pd/extra/Gem.pd_linux: ../lib/pd/extra/Gem.pd_linux: undefined symbol: _ZN6FTFont4BBoxEPKwRfS2_S2_S2_S2_S2_
    Gem: can't load library

    Is there somebody who knows what is wrong?

    posted in pixel# read more
  • pnoe

    I finally installed Ubuntu which resolves my problem.
    Nevertheless thank you

    posted in technical issues read more
  • pnoe

    I tried to install Pd under Cygwin but it doesn't work.
    Can somebody help me or give me a link for a tutorial of this installation?
    Thanks a lot

    posted in technical issues read more

Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!