• Philippe Aubert Gauthier


    I was wondering if there is some thing(s) to get PD to run along a standard Midi sequencer. Like getting the BPM and play/stop/MMC informations?

    One of my objective is create complex and/or evolved Midi controler variation without drawing it within a sequencer window. A simple exemple would be to create an LFO with expon variation of the amplitude with and increasing random flcutuation ... my objective is to inform PD of the sequencer bpm and start/stop moment.

    Any suggestion or simply object name?

    posted in technical issues 20 years agoread more
  • Philippe Aubert Gauthier


    I just found this patch and corresponding abstraction which is a neuron layer for PD. Great, enjoy the power of AI!

    [url=http://www.la-kitchen.fr/augmented_mapping.html ]http://www.la-kitchen.fr/augmented_mapping.html

    See the corresponding papers for details ...

    posted in technical issues 21 years agoread more
  • Philippe Aubert Gauthier

    Dear forum~

    -(1)- Is there any basic ambisonic decoding patch for PD? Any patch for ambisonic application ... found very old links about this but, they sadly doesn't work.

    -(2) - Is it possible to invert a matrix (or even build one) of constants in PD? Like this

    A = [ 1 2 3 ]
    [ 4 5 6 ]
    [ 7 8 9 ]

    Many thanks in advances ... have a nice day!

    posted in technical issues 21 years agoread more
  • Philippe Aubert Gauthier


    About the joystick object, any recommandation about a nice (cheap < 40USD) joystick with lot of buttons? Can the joystick object can see more than one stick (like for the double joystick control)?

    Anyone use such a thing for live performance?


    posted in technical issues 21 years agoread more
  • Philippe Aubert Gauthier


    I know well my DSP theory, but I am not deeply familiar with PD.

    I just wanted to know how the FIR~ thing works (iemlib). If you know any other possibility for creating a FIR filter, let me know. Is there some objects for IIR filters?

    Thank you so much!

    posted in technical issues 21 years agoread more
  • Philippe Aubert Gauthier

    I had finally "solved" my problem with a similar method. Using some note on a given channel of a given midi port, I start/stop my sequencer-type PD patchs. It work fine, surely approximative but fine. But you need lot of midi port. I use my pulsar2 4in/4out midi ports between the pci card and the softs to create various links between the software.

    posted in technical issues 20 years agoread more
  • Philippe Aubert Gauthier

    This is quoted from a mail passing in the Canadian Electroacoustic Community about three new ambisonic objects for PD. Seems quite well done.

    I'm very pleased to announce that new objects for sound spatialization are
    available on the CICM web site : [url=http://www.mshparisnord.org/cicm/dl_en.htm ]http://www.mshparisnord.org/cicm/dl_en.htm

    These objects are developed by Rémi Mignot and Jean-Baptiste Thiébaut. Most
    of them are available for Macintosh, Windows and Linux for Max/MSP and PD.

    ambipan~ is an external that uses ambisonic techniques for a surround
    panning up to 16 loudspeakers. The ambisonic algorithm is from Michael

    ambicube~is a 3-dimensional version of ambipan~ so you can use it with two
    levels of loudspeakers

    vbapan~is an external that uses vector based amplitude panning for a
    surround panning up to 16 loudspeakers. The vbap algorithl is from Ville

    trajectory is an intuitive abstraction for drawing trajectories. It
    contains 8 graphical tools such as ellipse, spiral, broken line, etc.
    Trajectories can be stored. The coordinates may be send to ambipan~ and
    vbapan~ to localise up to 16 independent sounds.

    Help files are written in French for instance, the trajectory help is

    Your feedback is welcome !

    posted in technical issues 20 years agoread more
  • Philippe Aubert Gauthier

    As I understand (with one minute spent on the yoke pages), midi yoke can be used to route any midi signals from two applications? Like VAC (Virtual Analog Cable) soft/driver for audio streaming? If yes, (and only if yes) that doesn't help me to get the bpm/clock information since I already have some sort of midi yoke application with my sound card (Pulsar II).

    I have spent few minutes with [midiclkin] and and just don't get anything. Even if my sequencer is sending everything like : clock, start, stop, position, etc. (I use a midi monitor (visual) to intercept everything passing from my sequencer to PD, and th clock is there!).

    But as I see from a hardoff link to the mailing list : midiclkin seems to be under construction ... zut alors!

    I would really like to know if [midirealtimein] is giving something effective to someone, somewhere (pulsation or time?) ...


    posted in technical issues 20 years agoread more
  • Philippe Aubert Gauthier

    The hyperlink still work for me ...

    Here is the general info page :
    [url=http://www.la-kitchen.fr/augmented_mapping.html ]http://www.la-kitchen.fr/augmented_mapping.html

    Papers listening :
    "Augmented Mapping: Towards an intelligent user-defined gesture mapping"
    Arshia Cont, Thierry Coduys and Cyrille Henry.
    Sound and Music Computing 2004 (SMC04), IRCAM - Centre George Pompidou, Paris, France.

    The file :
    [url=http://filebox.vt.edu/users/acont/html/SMC_Article.pdf ]http://filebox.vt.edu/users/acont/html/SMC_Article.pdf

    "Real-time gesture mapping in Pd environment using Neural Networks"
    Arshia Cont, Thierry Coduys and Cyrille Henry.
    New Interfaces for Musical Expressions 2004 (NIME04), SUAC, Hamamatsu, Japan.

    The file :
    [url=http://filebox.vt.edu/users/acont/html/LaKitchen_NIME04.pdf ]http://filebox.vt.edu/users/acont/html/LaKitchen_NIME04.pdf

    And some pd abstraction :
    [url=http://www.la-kitchen.fr/NNgesture.zip ]http://www.la-kitchen.fr/NNgesture.zip

    Everything is working fine for my part, even the pdf files.

    posted in technical issues 20 years agoread more
  • Philippe Aubert Gauthier

    I am not deeply familiar with neural network, I do understand the principle but I never experienced such DSP my self. My most complex application of "training" is rather simple adaptive DSP : LMS-gradient, leaky adaptation, and some others mostly related to adaptive DSP with linear time-invariant assumed filters, mostly transverse FIR.

    So, I know that the author of the paper which I read from la kitchen was at this time using Matlab for the training. In the conclusion, they say that they work and training within PD.

    My sole personnal reference on IA is some part of book like : "Signal Processing for Active Control", "Active control of noise and vibration" (from Hansen) and maybay Widrow "Adaptive Signal Processing" or "Adaptive Inverse Control" ...

    Even outside PD, training its the biggest challenge ...

    posted in technical issues 20 years agoread more
  • Philippe Aubert Gauthier


    I know the various IEM work on Ambisonic and desktop Wave Field Synthesis, there was some presentations and a nice demonstration (the PD ambisonic/binaural thing) by Robert Holdrich in Banff, june 2003.

    IEM definetly look like a great place which evoke a nice balance of science, tech and art.

    The reason why I am building a PD ambisonic patch is that I have to create a few hours workshop on spatial audio for artists. Anyway, I have decided to include my patch, which is now working for ambi^1 and ambi^2, in the annexe of my thesis which is devoted (and unfinished!) to sound field reproduction in room, we have a strong background in active control of noise and sound, so its a mixture of those things.

    BTW, I was planning to create few other things (just for fun!) like the stereo-dipole or the optimum source distribution with PD, I remember Holdrich speaking of such thing. Did you, at IEM, have been through such things?

    I have found few other interesting applications of mtx objects, in connection with my music project with "automated live improvisation" its quite useful, specially for my "serializm is good for you!".

    Anyway, you may also enjoy my bibliography (which should be updated frequently) :

    [url=http://www3.usherbrooke.ca/philippe_aubert_gauthier/biblio_1.html ]http://www3.usherbrooke.ca/philippe_aubert_gauthier/biblio_1.html

    Before september, more than 100 paper on synthetic shoudl be added by one my student colleague.


    posted in technical issues 21 years agoread more
  • Philippe Aubert Gauthier

    Thanx hardoff,

    I think that this complete my "loop" utility list (for++,until,uzi, kalaschminikokakov?).

    In my opinion, [uzi] seems the best for loop construction of matrix because : 1) you got an increasing index & 2) you got a bagn when its finished (it is thus easier to create nested loops).

    Hep, now finish the patch ...

    posted in technical issues 21 years agoread more
  • Philippe Aubert Gauthier


    I don't know if many people use the matrix objects, but I was asking myself what is the best (easiest, smallest and fastest) way to fill a matrix using a unique expr object which compute the matrix elements as function of the row and colomn index. I use to create for loop with metro object ... but I don't feel clean with this ... any suggestion?

    posted in technical issues 21 years agoread more
  • Philippe Aubert Gauthier

    Sorry for the missing explanation ...

    Ambisonic is a spatial sound reproduction technology which have been introduced in the 70s by the mathematician Gerzon. With Ambi the loudspeaker layout may be anything from few to many loudspeaker and it is intended to reproduce the direction of arrival.

    You first encode your target sound field .... its like Fourier Transforms but in space! You can do it with a virtually defined sound field in your computer or you can encode real sound field using a set of microphones (omni + figure-8) correctly placed in space. Once you got the transformed version of your desired sound field ... you decode it using your loudspeaker layout. Decoding is matching your encoded sound field with your sound reproduction system.

    For basic encoding/deconding ambisonic (there is some more advanced encoding/deconding rules) you compute everything with matrix. Thats quite faster and more efficient than computing every elements individually.

    My ambisonic patch (which is not finished) use such matrix computation although is not really pure-data clean (with some sort of very fast "for" loop made with metro objects!) ...

    Anyway I still have some doubts on my equations ...

    For this reason, I would like to compare my patch with some other ambisonic work for PD. There is a complete paper on Ambisonic with CSound in Computer Music Journal, winter 2001 ...


    posted in technical issues 21 years agoread more
  • Philippe Aubert Gauthier

    Oh god, just forget the zexy lib for the matrix operation. (Always fun to reply to yourself.)

    My first question about ambisonics still open. I will slowly work on a encoding/deconding ambisonic patch.

    posted in technical issues 21 years agoread more
  • Philippe Aubert Gauthier


    Not sure about the real-time aspect (live unpredicable streaming or straight from a file that you can read let's say 20ms in advance?), but there is some hints in a beginning chapter of the P. Cook book, Real Sound Synthesis for Interactive Applications. The chapter is about wavetable synthesis if my memory is good enough ...

    See : http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1568811683/qid=108853467 0/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/104-8251597-6652725?v=glance&s=books

    posted in technical issues 21 years agoread more
  • Philippe Aubert Gauthier

    God, I now own a Saitek joystick, my audio synthetic life is changed! Back to the old times where you have to "practice" with your instrument.

    With windows Xp, the installation is straightforward, and the joystick object worked so easily. In 2 minutes, everything is done.

    The Saitek P880 was recommended by a friend which use this gamepad to control micromachinning with laser. 2 analog joystick and a D-pad + 12 button. Everything work in PD except the P-pad (like the first Nintendo and Sega gamepad). The pad was 30&#036; CAN. You can use many different joystick with joystick object ... up to 16, that's mean 16 players. Some arithmetic and straight to ctlout gives you very nice possibility. Specially for spatial reproduction.

    Anyway 30&#036; CAN is better than 300~400&#036; CAN for the Korg kaospad with two midi control output!


    posted in technical issues 21 years agoread more
  • Philippe Aubert Gauthier

    After some work and googling, I finally reply to my own tek question!

    Here is the FIR~ syntax :

    FIR~ array_name 1024

    Where 1024 (or an input arg) define the array size. The resulting filter is working well.

    Any tips about filter~ or pixfir~?

    posted in technical issues 21 years agoread more
  • Philippe Aubert Gauthier

    Thank you for the link. The chapter in question use the delay line object (delay write and delay read) to create filters ... maybay like in CSound with delayw and delayr (something like this).

    But I search for other things like the FIR~ object which I am not able to use. I had just discovered fexpr~ to create either Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters or Infinite Imp Resp. filters (IIR).

    My goal is rather simple (I wish i would be able to do it with FIR~ or pixfir~ (although I have to understand how to compile a library and install it ... I am relatively new to PD!)) : filter an audio input with a given impulse response (like for conventional transverse filter) which could be manually draw in a graph/array ... its just about convolution.

    Any suggestion much appreciated since Matlab is not really good to create music!


    posted in technical issues 21 years agoread more
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