• philarcher

    never mind, think i've sorted it. although in a slightly weird way

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  • philarcher

    just tried it and i can confirm it works.

    the instructions are for mac os x, so if you're using a different os i imagine the procedure will be different.

    in mac os x there is an application called "Property List Editor.app" in the "Utilities" folder. launch the app, go to "file", then "open" and then navigate to wherever the PD application is on your hard drive. click on PD, then click on "contents" and you should see a file called "info.plist". open this file and you should be able to press the button that says "New Child" and follow the rest of the instructions from there.


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  • philarcher

    Hi, would you be able to upload the patch somewhere so I can have a look?

    I've been trying to do a similar thing and can texture map the image onto the particles fine, but i'm having trouble making the particles themselves transparent.

    to take the fish example mentioned above, i can make particles which have the fish shape textured onto them, but when one particle passes over another it still has an opaque square frame around it rather than being 'masked'.

    hope that made some sense...


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