• phaldini

    Hi there,

    I've written an external for binaural sound reproduction and I am using a large database of HRIR's (around 15500 of them). I have limited the length of the HRIR's to 128 samples. My dll file size is just over 18 MB. When I turn the audio on in PD it crashes and PD disappears.

    Is there a limit to the size of external PD can handle? Currently my HRIR matrix is in a header file included in my C++ code. Is there another way for a PD external to access a large data matrix like this without having to load each HRIR into an array in PD?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!



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  • phaldini

    Ok, I just noticed that I forgot to update a couple of lines of code. My mistake.

    Thanks anyway,


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Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!