Hey. I'm working through Andy Farnell's book, Designing Sounds. A formula in one of the granular synth patches has me stumped - it's using a formula (2^(n/120)-speed) / "chunk size" (which I think is grain size?) to compute grain length. I get that tempo & pitch are related, and grain sizes are inversely proportional to the speed. But I don't understand 1) why his formula for pitch uses 2^(n/120)...I figured it would be cents, but cents is n/1200...maybe he was just setting max variation for the pitch at one semitone? 2) Don't understand why it is "pitch - speed" in the formula. 3) In the patch the chunk-size is scaled by 1/1000th...my guess is to give finer control for grain size, but correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks!
Hey. I'm working through Andy Farnell's book, Designing Sounds. A formula in one of the granular synth patches has me stumped - it's using a formula (2^(n/120)-speed) / "chunk size" (which I think is grain size?) to compute grain length. I get that tempo & pitch are related, and grain sizes are inversely proportional to the speed. But I don't understand 1) why his formula for pitch uses 2^(n/120)...I figured it would be cents, but cents is n/1200...maybe he was just setting max variation for the pitch at one semitone? 2) Don't understand why it is "pitch - speed" in the formula. 3) In the patch the chunk-size is scaled by 1/1000th...my guess is to give finer control for grain size, but correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks!
Hey, I'm working through Andy Farnell's Designing sounds...in the chapter on wavetable synthesis, he uses the word "index" a lot...I tried flipping back to earlier chapters, but never really found an explanation...
"...the index is placed centrally around the middle of a table," "we keep the indexing waveform fixed," "the table is filled...and we index it with a phasor" etc.
what does "index" mean in this context?
Hey, I made a patch, tried to use textfile to store my data...but I keep getting a 'write failed' error message and a 'no method for symbol' error. Not sure what I'm doing wrong, any help would be appreciated! Thanks
Hi. I made a midi fader patch, but whenever I try to adjust the volume on my computer speakers, I just get clicks. Nothing comes out of the midi fader. Is there something wrong with my patch?
I did read the help file (before I posted) and still don't get it. And what do you mean by "addressing the index"?
I had two problems: I used the wrong MIDI channel input (modulation instead of volume). Also, I had the patch set up to multiply a cos wave by the scaled midi signal to give final output.....and forgot to include the cos wave.
Not sure exactly what caused the speaker click. But my guess is that I didn't scale my MIDI input right.