• pd-gui


    I'm a linux user, but recently I bought a MacBook Pro.
    I intend to use a Wacon Tablet in PureData/MacOS; I observed cases using Wacon with [linuxevent] or [HID] objects, but but I saw :

    that in MacOS is a little "problematic"

    They know if somebody already obtained to implement?
    if not, it will not be that to compile the code source it would decide?


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  • pd-gui

    Hi I see that

    downmix in [_surroundRouting] may have misconceptions,
    (I don't see entire code yet, so I could be wrong)

    according ITU-BR:

    L = 1L+0.71Ls+0.71C
    R = 1L+0.71Rs+0.71C

    here i send a external that is part of my research (and therefore may have bugs)

    #N canvas 0 22 581 337 10;
    #X text 188 145 creation: [downmix~] or [downmix~ arg];
    #X text 250 162 arg is normalization ratio;
    #X text 250 178 by default 1;
    #X obj 49 55 adc~ 1 2 3 4 5;
    #X obj 48 210 dac~;
    #X text 189 14 DownMix for 5.1 surround to Stereo 2;
    #X obj 48 130 downmix_5.1~;
    #X text 193 247 Acorrding ITU-R-BS 1116-1;
    #X text 186 38 1-L;
    #X text 186 53 2-R;
    #X text 186 69 3-Ls;
    #X text 187 84 4-Rs;
    #X text 187 98 5-C;
    #X text 187 112 6-LFE;
    #X text 19 305 Guilherme M. Lunhani;
    #X text 157 305 gcravista@gmail.com;
    #X connect 3 0 6 0;
    #X connect 3 1 6 1;
    #X connect 3 2 6 2;
    #X connect 3 3 6 3;
    #X connect 3 4 6 4;
    #X connect 6 0 4 0;
    #X connect 6 1 4 1;


    #N canvas 110 320 757 405 10;
    #X obj 71 125 inlet~ L;
    #X obj 131 125 inlet~ R;
    #X obj 189 125 inlet~ Ls;
    #X obj 254 125 inlet~ Rs;
    #X obj 318 125 inlet~ C;
    #X obj 71 351 outlet~;
    #X obj 343 344 outlet~;
    #X text 70 62 Downmix: L = 1L+0.71C+0.71Ls;
    #X text 124 78 R = 1R+0.71C+0.71Rs;
    #X text 51 262 L;
    #X obj 384 125 inlet;
    #X obj 495 125 loadbang;
    #X obj 495 147 \$0;
    #X obj 71 260 expr~ ($v1+(0.71*$v2)+(0.71*$v3))/($f4*2.42);
    #X obj 343 261 expr~ ($v1+(0.71*$v2)+(0.71*$v3))/($f4*2.42);
    #X obj 495 172 expr if($f1==0 \, 1 \, $f1);
    #X obj 564 152 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 17 7 0 10 -262144
    -1 -1;
    #X connect 0 0 13 0;
    #X connect 1 0 14 0;
    #X connect 2 0 13 1;
    #X connect 3 0 14 1;
    #X connect 4 0 13 2;
    #X connect 4 0 14 2;
    #X connect 10 0 13 3;
    #X connect 10 0 14 3;
    #X connect 11 0 12 0;
    #X connect 12 0 15 0;
    #X connect 13 0 5 0;
    #X connect 14 0 6 0;
    #X connect 15 0 13 3;
    #X connect 15 0 14 3;
    #X connect 16 0 12 0;

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Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!