• pacoeme

    Author: pacoeme

    thanks for your help, im making a guitar patch that i´ve already done in other software, so i need to record or read a soundfile, then play it backwards or in different speed or starting in different points, i´ll share it when its finished thanks!

    posted in technical issues read more
  • pacoeme

    i am using select so than when it receives a 72 it bangs but the fiddle object shows always hundreths like 72.76 and select doesn't recognize it because it is not exactly the same i need an object that bangs when the number is almost the same (72.33 72.50) or i need something to convert the signal from fiddle~ (always with hundreths) to simple two unit numbers (72)

    i add an example if what i want to do but you must have fiddle~ object

    thanks a lot!!!!


    posted in technical issues read more

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