• PabloArty

    Hello everyone, I'm on a proyect and i have a 5.1 audio in Logic, what i need is to control this audio with pure data and send it to a console and distribute it in 6 channels. Is that possible?

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  • PabloArty

    Hello! I have this but my second file dsnt sound.


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  • PabloArty

    Good Morning! well i have a year wihtout using pure data but now i need it and i have a simple project but it's taking me so much time. I need to play an audio file. when the audio is at 2:00minutes i need a timer start counting 1:30minutes in these minutes only in these 1:30 minutes there will be a bang if you click it then the original audio will stop and another will start. but if the time ends, you'll cant use the bang. D: sounds difficult now i read it xD

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  • PabloArty

    I need to create a conditional but with 3 numbers, i mean if i send these 3 numbers then the condition happends.

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  • PabloArty

    i tried using some patches from yours but i couldnt make it work, im using fidusials so when reactv detect the 3 specific fidusials then happend. and the easier option was that every fidusial does +1 and a [sel 3] but it didnt work T_T

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  • PabloArty

    I think is the expr object, when i bang the one from the left my second sound works but the first one is replaced by the second

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  • PabloArty

    Hello Malestorm, I was using that object [expr 44100/$f1] and my audio file sounds a slower, just a bit but it's slower, what number should i change of the expr object?

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