• operand

    oh and if you did manage to find an OSC output from the liveOSC scripts, you would then need to call your LED the same as the OSC command from live, or you would need to reformat the command from live using puredata to that of the LED.

    e.g. if LiveOSC has an OSC send called /live/tempo/beat (I doubt it does) then you would have LiveOSC script connect to your TouchOSC, and the LED would be also /live/tempo/beat.

    It may be that even if there's no way to send OSC tempo beat messages from Live using the liveosc script, you could maybe use live to map the beat to move a controller, and send this information to puredata where you could reformat it.

    I just checked http://github.com/willrjmarshall/AbletonDJTemplate/blob/44609dbd1be136d517c420f14fc987e9aa96fcc6/TouchOSCTemplate/LiveOSC/OSCAPI.txt

    There isn't anything that will solely broadcast beats over OSC, but there are a couple of things that with some puredata manipulation might be able to do this:

    live/tempo = Request current tempo, replies with /live/tempo (float tempo)

    /live/tempo (float tempo) = Set the tempo, replies with /live/tempo (float tempo)

    /live/time = Request current song time, replies with /live/time (float time)

    /live/time (float time) = Set the time , replies with /live/time (float time)

    It might (just) be possible to write code to examine the song tempo, examine regularly the song time and from there calculate when the beat will drop. I'm not about to start on this any time soon but there is the potential to do this. The amount of work might be offset by actually monitoring the metronome, or just listening to the music to get an idea where the bars are ;o)

    Just guesses but good luck with it, I want to do similar as I'm working on a full remote DJ tool for TouchOSC (clip browser and selecter, tempo, monitoring, mixer, xfader, effects and filters). I'm using puredata for this, touchOSc and the l;iveOSC remote scripts. I tested all the theoretical bits for this and have it working, just need to but the behemoth PD together to handle it all! Oh, and another feature will be a toggle on the accelerometer to control any effect, fader etc so "put your hands in the air" and "drop the bass" will be actually doable! Of course, the main reason I want this is I like the music I spin and I'm sick of being stuck behind sensitive equipment where I can't dance properly :D

    posted in technical issues read more
  • operand

    well, you would need to run the LiveOSC remote scripts to serve to puredata, and hope the live scripts have htis as one of their outputs. I know tempo is there but I don't know about measure counts. I don't think they can, but its worth checking.

    posted in technical issues read more

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