• openmedi

    I've allready written this on the pd-mailinglist. I thought maybe you forum-guys could help, too...

    Hello everyone,

    I'm currently working on a project called motion design
    in which we want to motion track a person walking
    trough a prepared room, than taking this data and
    generate a spline out of it.
    Our aim is that we can create a "virtual instrument" out of the motiontracking data.

    Do you think this is possible with pd?
    Any Ideas how to do it?

    We have 6 Months to get this thing right, so we have plenty of time to learn pd and other related stuff.

    Thanks in advance

    posted in technical issues read more
  • openmedi

    As beetleskin said we'll use 2 cameras to track the motion. An other project hast worked on tracking the motion this way on which we want to build. The "users" are aware of what's going on. Do you know any projects in which "3d-tracking" has been done?

    The part where we want to get sound out of it is not so hard. We just want the tracked motion to create a hollow body which will resonate when someone is "hitting" it.

    posted in technical issues read more
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