old scratch
So, I've been successful in running Reactivison with PD and can control loops in Ableton Live with fiducials using my built in iSight on my Intel Macbook.
My problem is getting that information shared with the visual patch (visual_patch.pd) to display the position of the fiducials in GEM. I open the patch and the GEM window is rendered with the small white circle in the middle, but no recognition of the fiducials, even though I know the TUIO patch is getting the information from Reactivision.
I am running version 0.39.3-extended. I suspect it's a problem with pmpd but I can't get PD to run with pmpd. I keep getting these types of errors:
lia2D $1-lia 0 10 2.5 1
... couldn't create
lia2D $1-lia 0 10 2.5 1
... couldn't create
lia2D $1-lia 0 10 2.5 1
... couldn't create
masse2D $3-masse 50 $1 $2 -3.8 3.8 -3.8 3.8
... couldn't create
masse2D $3-masse 50 $1 $2 -3.8 3.8 -3.8 3.8
... couldn't create
masse2D $3-masse 50 $1 $2 -3.8 3.8 -3.8 3.8
... couldn't create
masse2D $3-masse 50 $1 $2 -3.8 3.8 -3.8 3.8
... couldn't create
masse2D $3-masse 50 $1 $2 -3.8 3.8 -3.8 3.8
... couldn't create
using default port 3333
error: float: no method for 'destroy'
... you might be able to track this down from the Find menu.
GemwinMac: width - 500 height - 500
GemWindow Activate err = 0
GEM: Start rendering
added: 4
removed: 4I've tried moving the stuff from the extras folder around as mentioned in a previous post but no success.
Can somebody please help me along with this? I am lost.
All the best.
old scratch
Well, now a new problem: for some reason the port 3333 is not being recognized.It is when I start TUIO Client, but not when I run the visual patch. Here's what I get:
GEM: ver: 0.91-cvs
GEM: compiled: Oct 16 2007
GEM: maintained by IOhannes m zmoelnig
GEM: Authors : Mark Danks (original version)
GEM: Chris Clepper
GEM: James Tittle
GEM: IOhannes m zmoelnig
GEM: with help by Guenter Geiger, Daniel Heckenberg, Cyrille Henry, et al.
GEM: using SSE2 optimization
xsample objects, version 0.3.2pre
xrecord~, xplay~, xgroove~
(C)2001-2006 Thomas Grill
PDP: pure data packet version 0.12.5-darcs
PiDiP : additional video processing objects for PDP : version 0.12.20 ( ydegoyon@free.fr )pdp_colorgrid: version 0.4, written by Yves Degoyon (ydegoyon@free.fr) & Lluis Gomez i Bigorda (lluis@artefacte.org)
using default port 3333
using default port 3333
could not bind to port 3333
So how could it be using port 3333, but then decided not to bind to port 3333 when run the visual patch? Any ideas?
old scratch
Yes, I've read through that and can't seem to make it work. I bet it's something really obvious that I'm not seeing.
Maybe I just need to tear myself away from PD for a while hahaAnyone have any clues?
Again, running Pd-extended on an Intel Macbook, OS X 10.5 Leopard (maybe that's it?). Cheers.