@gsagostinho Hi thanks for your suggestions, I've changed my post to a zip folder that also contains my chord abstraction so that will come up.
I will remove the mtof from the main patch, that was definitely an oversight. The second inlet of chord also seems unnecessary, I will remove it.
If you wouldn't mind taking a look at the second draft, I would really appreciate it. It is able to synthesize my voice, but I can't get it to change pitch using my midi keyboard. I am using 3 separate phasor~ objects at different frequencies, because I saw another vocoder patch doing so, but I don't really understand why. I tried replacing them with osc~ but that didn't work either.
I will take a look a the Porres examples again as well, thanks!
I am new to PD, just started taking a Sound Synth class on it and I am struggling a bit.
For a project, I wanted to make a basic synth that would manipulate my voice in realtime as I played notes on a midi keyboard. So far this is what I have but it doesn't work how I wanted it to.
I posted in here before, but I had a trouble understand the replies. If anyone could tell me what I am missing it would be awesome, help is much appreciated.Thanks
I am new to PD, just started taking a Sound Synth class on it and I am struggling. For a project, i want to make a basic vocoder patch. What I want is to be able to speak or sing into a mic and control my voice using a simple oscillator, controlled by a midi keyboard. So far this is what I have but it doesn't work. If anyone could tell me what I am missing it would be awesome, help is much appreciated.