• noahcohn

    i am very new to pd - i am setting up a routing of OSC messages into MIDI and now i am faced with the problem that my OSCs will probably come rapid fire and i need to have a break between my note messages being triggered.. so, what is a function that stops data from flowing for a specified time?

    also, i need to make a threshold where only numbers higher than a certain decimal can trigger the MIDI messages.. i read something earlier about a 0/1 function, but i don't quite recall how to use it..

    thank for any input!

    oh btw - why can't i delete unused object boxes?


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  • noahcohn

    I am a musician and I am considering trying to make a pd patch that will translate simple OSC messages from the EPOC neural headset into MIDI. Emotiv EPOC is an EEG headset available for $300 - it sends OSC messages to pd in the form of /VAR/VARIABLE/X.XX where VAR is the type of signal (can be emotion, cognitive, facial, or a few others), VARIABLE is the exact signal type (blink, wink, smile, think of cognitive triggers 1 - 14, etc) then X.XX is a number indicating trigger strength for the intensity of the detected action.
    So, I am assuming that all it needs to do is break off the VAR and VARIABLE right? I need an object that distributes the VARs into objects, cutting off the VAR then objects for VARIABLEs, leaving just a numeric 0.00 - 1.00 to translate into MIDI of some type..
    Am I correct or is there a lot more programming needed to get this working smoothly? I do not know, for example, how much data will come from the headset in real time because I do not own it yet.
    As you can probably tell, I have never used pd before. I might need some help from forums to get started. Does this seem like a reasonable project for a beginner? I have some limited programming experience in languages like BASIC, PASCAL, Hypercard on Mac, HTML..

    Any input would be appreciated!

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  • noahcohn

    thank you! i have gotten farther by myself.. now i am faced with the predicament that the research edition of the EPOC can interface with dedicated EEG apps.. but that version costs $750...

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  • noahcohn

    ah.. i have an idea - a counter starts at 100 when one function hits - then if trigger 2 hits it adds 100 again making the number higher than 100 only in that case..

    thanks for the help!

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  • noahcohn

    thank you guys! moses and timelim are exactly what i needed..

    i have another little puzzle now - what if i want a message triggered only when two other triggers happen at the same time?

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