• nicogarazzo

    Hey everyone, I'm trying to recieve two cursors from teh kinect client, but thow the TuioClient gives me the coordinates of both. The patch cannot recieve angle or other cursor info.

    I'm not sure how can I get in the PD patch the second cursor using the route function in Pd.

    Sorry, I'm new in Pd.


    The Pd says it couldn't create the cursor.

    posted in patch~ read more
  • nicogarazzo

    @doctorctrl said:

    hi nicogarazzo im also trying to get a second cursor in the kinect Tuio Client. have you had any luck??

    Yes, doctorctrl it was really easy, I just had to divide the coordinates from the TUIO Client, you can contact me via email or whatever. Let me show you the patch that I made for that time.

    This patch was created to receive the data of the y-axis from 10 cursors, and then it sends MIDI info via the ip MIDI in MacOS to a wifi network created for that purpose and another device recieves the MIDI Info for controlling Ableton Live.

    (There is the signal flow for the patch)


    posted in patch~ read more

Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!