Hi Everyone. Ok thanks for the information.
This is an image of what I got. It seems to work. I'll check function too
I started out using Max. In Max you can use a function object to control a line object, which can in turn control the frequency of a filter. I am always trying to do this in Pd and haven't found a way. I know I can use vline~ but it's time consuming to get my curve the way I want it.
Is there a way I can draw in a curve, using a function object or something else, and have it control the frequency of a filter? I am including an image of my latest failed attempt, but this is the idea.
Thank you both for the replies. Both of your solutions make sense. Seems like you both found a subdivision that was in common for both rhythms and based everything off that. Very cool, I can't believe I never have done this before. Thanks for your help!
I am trying to sync two metronomes, one playing triplets and one playing sixteenth notes.
It seems the get out of synch pretty quickly.Does anyone know how I could get them lined up? I am attaching a patch of the method I used plus a screen shot.
I also have a counter I am using from the cyclone library.thank you
Hi PD-Pi,
I think that's a good suggestion. I should work on a different impulse that is more gentle to simulate a mallet.
What does the [1 5, 0 5 20 (. message going into vline mean? Does it go from 0 to 1 in 5 milliseconds, then to 0 from 5 to 20 milliseconds?
OK I looked at some spectral analysis images of singing bowls. I think this one might be better. If anyone has suggestions please share them.
I think one thing that could improve this would be if I could figure out how to emulate a softer attack sound, like with a soft mallet or something similar.
SingingBowl.pdf singingBowl1.pd
Hi everyone.
I have been thinking about creating a pd patch that is a physical model of a singing bowl or a crystal sound bath type bowl for awhile.
I found a paper on the internet about the physical modeling of a singing bowl.I uploaded a patch trying to use some of the info in the paper. To use the patch you need the else library to use the compress~ and resonator2~ objects.
The paper says the bowl resonated at 186, 551 1007 1627 and 2337 Hz. I tried to scale the amplitude from the paper to something that would work. I looked at Figure 2 in the paper for info on how the different frequencies decayed.
I added a frequency close to each frequency to get some beating. The paper says that due to the imperfections of a singing bowl each frequency has some ringing to achieve that.
The patch I created kind of sounds like a singing bowl.
Does anyone have ideas to improve on to this? I was also thinking to have each frequency go into a bandpass filter so I can control it's bandwidth, but that seems like a lot of extra work and objects.Thank you for any input.
Hi David,
The controller is something I made. It is Arduino Mega based.
You could be right about your suggestion. I think the sensors are constantly sending the controller values into Pd. I didn't know that would affect the LEDs or create an overload of info.
I will look into change. I will put a change object after every ctlin so it's not sending data all the time. I'll let you know if it works. -
I recently made an interesting discovery. I have been using a midi controller I made to use as controls for a looper in Pd. When I press a button for a loop function an LED usually turns on to give me visual feedback. If I turn on an effect, an LED turns on. Play, stop, reverse, speed change, etc, an LED turns on.
This looper has always been buggy and glitchy. it's never really worked right and I always assumed I had some timing thing off or I made a mistake in the patching.
I accidentally discovered today that If I disable all the LEDs it works perfectly. I think Pd is prioritizing the LEDs over the audio processing or midi messages. I know in Max there is a way to disable this by turning "overdrive" off in the Audio Settings window.
Is there a way to prioritize the MIDI and Audio over LEDs in Pd so I can still use LEDs, but their timing isn't exactly perfect? Or even at least some of the LEDs? I use ctlout objects to turn on the LEDs.
Thank you in advance for any possible suggestions.
Hi @jameslo
The two versions sound the same to me too. Thanks for the info, even though they sound the same it's good for me to learn how all this works. I also like when things get a little out of synch so threshold~ might be fine for me as well for most cases.