Um... yes! Yes, of course I was doing that! (No I wasn't.
) Thanks for the answer, that solved my problem. While I'm here, does anyone have any recommendations for MobMuPlat tutorials/howtos/etc? The available information is very fragmented and difficult to find.
Hi, I have a MobMuPlat/PD patch that has a function to randomize all the parameters, which is a series of 16 sliders. I'm sending the random numbers to the sliders with a message like "/blendSlider $1" into "send toGUI". This works just fine in the editor (I'm using the Java one). I've also got the randomizer attached to /system/shake, but that doesn't seem to work either, although it does in the editor - nothing happens when I actually shake the iPad, and I've even done a test case where shaking just turns on a GUI toggle: no dice. Any ideas what the problem could be? I'm using MobMuPlat on iOS.