• newbie40

    i will ask there too

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  • newbie40


    but how to accomplish this:

    Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
    copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
    disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
    with the distribution.

    there is no documentation or something
    do i habe to write it in the store in the app description?
    Do you know any example-text?


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  • newbie40

    how can i publish an app which uses libpd?
    What about the license?


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  • newbie40


    i have one wav-File in an array which i read with 16 [tabread4~]
    at different speed for 16 different pitches of the sound.

    i could have one or up to 16 "pitchplayer" run simultaneously,
    how can i control the gain?

    i'm trying this:
    before a tabread4~ starts it increases a number, when its's finished
    (a delay with the delaytime=time of the [line] which feeds tabread4~)
    it decreases the number
    the overall output (before dac~) is divided by this number

    this is not working good, the sound "crackles" when the number decreases

    how is this, i think basic task, done?
    how can i achieve a constant gain? (without dividing the output by 16 statically, which results in low gain when playing only 1 or few pitches at the same time)


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  • newbie40


    ist it possible to have a timer or counter etc. with a higher resolution than 1ms in vanilla?


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  • newbie40


    I am totally new to pure data.

    I'm looking for a patch to record something (hit on a drum or glass etc.) for about 1 sec and then check the main frequency of that recording.

    The fiddle object can only compute frequencies down to 53 hz, right?
    But i need down to 20-30 hz.
    And real time is not needed, so i think first record 1 sec and right after that
    compute the frequency would be right.

    How can this be achieved?



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  • newbie40

    great, thanks

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  • newbie40

    yes, there you can see that the decimals are dropped
    so e.g. 133bpm would be 451ms instead of 451.278... ms
    but maybe this is too theoretical

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  • newbie40

    i's like to have a bpm metro but with 1ms it is (theoretical) not correct
    e.g. 133bpm = 451.278..... ms

    also i's like to start readsf~ on a time based on bpm
    so del takes floats? great

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  • newbie40

    sorry for that late post, i was busy with other things and thanks for your answers.

    I decided to first do it in java as I'm new to dsp and new to pure data but not so new to java.
    So this is not really a pure data related question but a dsp related one, i hope you don't mind.

    I focused on getting the fundamental frequency of a drum:
    I record 65536 samples at 44100 hz and than do a fft with these samples.
    When i plot the range from 0-1000hz (~the range of interest for drums),
    i get 3-5 frequency-peaks. For human eyes it is simple to see the first (lowest frequency) peak, which would be the fundamental frequency.
    But the first is not always the loudest , so i can't iterate over the fft output to find the bin with the strongest power.
    So how do i get the first peak programmatically?
    Or the 3-5 peaks mentioned above, so i could take the one with lowest frequency.
    As said, the peaks are clear peaks, for eyes no problem to see the first (fundamental).
    As the peaks a really clear it shouldn't be so difficult to get them---but how?
    The question is, what is a peak in programmatic expression.
    What does the human eye do when looking at the plot?

    I hope someone could explain me in easy steps what to do with the fft output

    Thanks very much

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