• mswati

    Ok i just found the answer.

    The 'atoms' (number boxes) cannot receive directly a message. I used the list2symbol object to convert it :

    [receive mayVar2]
    [hello \

    and it works.

    posted in technical issues read more
  • mswati

    hello all,

    thanks portabello for your example. This is what i need and it works fine with the windows cmd line.
    But i cannot manage to pass a string instead a number.
    When i pass :

    pd -open "mypatch.pd" -send "; myVar1 45; mayVar2 hello"

    i get the error :

    error: gatom: no method for 'hello'

    i tried alternatives such as :

    pd -open "mypatch.pd" -send "; myVar1 45; mayVar2 'hello'"
    pd -open "mypatch.pd" -send "; myVar1 45; mayVar2 \"hello\""
    pd -open "mypatch.pd" -send "; myVar1 45; mayVar2 message hello"

    but nothing worked.
    Do you have any idea ?

    posted in technical issues read more
Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!