I am looking to install pure data on raspberry pi. Can someone put me on the right path to how pure data would see midi on raspberry pi as well as how pure data would send midi message back to the input device on raspberry pi
Also can we setup virtual midi ports
windows: I am in the PD directory where all the main files are. I use
make apperror:
$ make app
makefile:4: ../makefile.subdir: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target '../makefile.subdir'. Stop. -
Works great.
Is there any way to have PD patch to print a list of midi devices in the console. without openning the midi dialog.
pd -midioutdev
pd -midioutdev 2
pd.exe -midioutdevonly print out a full list of all pd commands. Can you please tell me how to use the command to connect to a midi port or midi device.
Pure Data V.049 does not show the external but it shows in V.048
After the external is installed it works in both version.Is there a bug in the external search
Externals are not showing when I search. Any idea was going wrong.
Seem like
[del 1000]does not always work. sometimes it works sometimes it don't when it does not work I get a instant bang. when it does work I get a 1 second delay before the bang. When it does not work I have to delete the object and recreate it. Then it works but as soon as I add another object or restart pure data it stop working.
Thank you this worked for me. What version of PD should I use.
Can someone help with how to send this message in pure data to my osc client
/GET widgetId
/GET /widget/address preArgThis is suppose to return the value of a widget. I am not sure how to send this command to my osc client using pure data
I am using the Ableton ADBlink object. Is there a way to start DSP or the counter online when ableton counter starts.
cd full/path/to/your/pd-master-sources
./configure CPPFLAGS=-DPD_LONGINTTYPE=__int64
make app
After this complete there is no pd folder. .
After running the script I have to go to the src folder and run make app. Then I get a pd folder with exe -
Just completed a PD build for source for windows. but I don't see the exe. How are we suppose to run it. is there suppose to be a exe and if not can we make one
what do we use to compile. (any special software) also are there any full instructions for compiling and are the compile instructions the same for mac and windows.
Just completed a patch. would like to know if there is any way to compile pure data and external for windows and mac. I would like to edit source code and give pure data a different look also I would like to have pure data always load my patch on start.
is there any way to compile pure data and do all written above.
Is there any way to automatic turn on DPS when PD task (document) load
[dsp] -
how can we send a bang if a number is divisible by 16.
I have a counter using the mod object. when bang is sent the counter will increase. I looking to have the counter send a bang every time a number is divisible by 16[bang]
[+ 1] [mod 10000]
[print][expr if number divisible by 16 bang]
Problem is now fixed. Looks like the system was still running a session in the background as a service. After stopping the process problem was fixed. Not sure how I managed to get it running as a service.