• mkin

    please is there any possibility to rotate gemlist before sending it into pix_texture. The problem is very simple. I have some image made by pix_set. But I have to rotate this image before using it as texture for an object. Using classic rotateXYZ doesnt work of course, because it rotates whole textured object. Maybe there is another option, how to deal with this...

    thanx for the help


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  • mkin

    I'm happily converting from Max to PD. An d I'm searching object like jit.3m. (analyzing the image: giving the minimum, mean and maximum values of each color plane). Is there something like this in PD please..? Or another solution how to analyze video and get averages of colors etc...

    Thank you for advices...


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  • mkin

    ...thanx...it works nicely


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  • mkin

    ...yes, i tried, but it did not help somehow...I ll try it again...


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  • mkin

    ...thanx. I know processing, but anyway...


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