• mimii


    I am a beginner.
    I tried to study and understand the examples which are in the extended version of Pure Data... but they are really very complicated. I've never programmed with Pure Data... so I need your help ... :)
    I don't want to program something complicated.
    I want to have an object which moves thanks to the mouse and as soon as this object (controlled by the mouse) hits an other object, the second one moves.
    Is anyone can help me?
    Thank you.


    J'ai essayé d'étudier les exemples qui sont dans présent dans la version "extended" de Pure Data, mais ils sont vraiment très compliqués. Je n'ai jamais fait de programmation avec Pure Data... autant dire que je n'y comprend presque rien, je suis vraiment perdu dans toute cette programmation !
    Je ne cherche pas à faire quelque chose de compliqué.
    Je souhaite juste avoir une fenêtre avec un objet qui bouge grace à la souris, et dès que celui-ci rentre en collision avec un autre objet, l'objet percuté bouge.
    Est-ce que quelqu'un aurait un programme pour réaliser cette interaction?
    Merci par avance.

    posted in technical issues 18 years agoread more
  • mimii

    Hi alexaudio and neko,

    Thank you for your answers and your help.
    I will take a look at the links and examples you give me.
    Thank you.


    posted in technical issues 18 years agoread more
  • mimii


    I am also new to pd...
    but i can maybe help you... i had also this problem.
    For example, if you want to use the GEM library, you must go in this menu : File> Startup... and then you write Gem and then click on "save all settings" and "Apply" (or the reserve : "Apply" and then "save all settings", I don't remember). This allows to install the Gem library.
    I hope you will understand what i am writing.

    posted in technical issues 18 years agoread more

Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!