• Megatroid

    Hey people, this is my first contribution to these great forums.

    I've build a little video mixer controlled with OSC. Together with a GlovePIE script you can control it using a Wiimote.

    It's a simple 2 video mixer with gain control, and you can select clips at random. For the basis of this patch I used a patch that I downloaded off these forums, but I can't seem to find the original post. If it looks familiar to anyone,please let me know.

    For more info and to download the patch and script, please check my blog here:


    It's pretty rudimentary, but it's a good place to start building something more impressive. Hope someone finds it handy!

    posted in patch~ read more
  • Megatroid

    I am having the same problem. I am running Windows Vista, Arduino0016, the latest pd-extended and the latest Pduino & Firmata2.1. I can load both the arduino and arduino-help patches, but cannot load the arduino-test patch. The strange thing is, I have got it to load twice (and it seems to function fine, I can open the port etc.), yet I can't find a reason why it has loaded those times and not every other time. It just crashes on load and I get a 'pd.exe is not responding and will be closed' message from vista. This seems to be the same intermittent problem you described in this thread: http://puredata.hurleur.com/sujet-2706-simplemessagesystem

    Has this problem been addressed anywhere? What can I try to do to find out exactly what part of the arduino-test patch is making pd crash?

    posted in technical issues read more
Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!