Now I've pretty much been looking for a solution to this problem for days now(literally). I've searched Google, this forum and a couple of other sources, but there doesn't seem to be any information on this.
Now, what I want to do is simply send either play, pause, record or stop to my sequencer(Propellerhead's Record) in order to make it easier to record the drum loops i built with the step sequencer I made in PD.
I got sending midi notes over midi yoke working flawlessly, but when it comes to recording, my timing is just off most of the time making it quite frustrating to get these drum loops into Record. Don't get me wrong, it does work, but having to go in and adjusting stuff every time just defeats the purpose for which i built my step sequencer(I know, I could just use the sequencer built into Record's drum machine, but I plan on building a peripheral to get hands on control over my drum loop creation and then send that data to PD in order to be interpreted and change into midi signals)
Is there any way of sending mmc messages out of pd? Has anybody ever managed to control the transport controls of another software sequencer from PD?
Don't know what you mean. It works just fine for me.
I select all the objects I want to copy, press ctrl+c, go to another patch window and press ctrl+v and there it is, objects, cables and everything....
Never-mind people, I found a way to do this without having to use or send MMC messages.
Turns out, that in Propellerhead's Record you can even automate its transport section. I just used its built in MIDI learn function and just send regular note on messages to it.....
Kinda embarrassed that I didn't think of this earlier....:)
Thanks for the reply.
My syncing problems are with me, not with my patch or my sequencer.
What I'm doing right now is press record in my sequencer, wait for the count-in to pass, and then start my patch, so it can send midi data to my sequencer(which works without a problem). The problem is that my timing is always a little off, thus making it difficult to record longer sequences without having to go in and do corrections(quantizing doesn't help either).
What I want to do, is have a button in my patch which starts my patch and sends a record message to my sequencer, so both start at them same time. (They probably won't start at the same time, either, but I bet my computer is much much faster than my finger
And all I really want to know is how to send MMC messages out of PD.
Is that even possible?