thanks allister! I will try this when I get a chance.
I am working on a loop pedal patch and I get this grinding/crackling noise when I delete the current loop. I think I have narrowed it down to the "resize" function. I have two loops that get reset to 0 and then they are resized to a much bigger array. I have attached a picture of the message box that creates the noise. I am using 128 block size with a delay of 12ms.
I am using an Odroid-XU4 running Ubuntu and have not been able to recreate this on my windows machine. I have a tried a workaround that mutes the audio and turns it back on which does get rid of the crackle but in a live setting I would be playing music while deleting the current patch so I can't have the audio dip all the way out..
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks