• mattp

    @dwan Thanks for the help. Unfortunately I still have to bumb up the audio delay to 40ms, but no one will notice that small a delay.

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  • mattp

    @dwan thanks for the suggestion, based on what you said I tested the patch with increased audio delay which fixed it, so [nbuntil] should work. But I am using computers at university, and they dont seem to have the [nbuntil] object built in. How do i get it?

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  • mattp

    Each time a big sectoin of my patch is run it causes an audio pop. The section of the patch uses [until] to iterate over arrays and do calculations. How do I stop this from happening? There is nothing in that seciton of the patch which is audio related.

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  • mattp

    @gsagostinho thanks for the help, that seems like it will work perfectly for my patch thanks.

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  • mattp

    I want to be able to write the values of a temporary array, into the array that is currently being outputted to the DAC. The way ive tried to do it is:
    [tabread~ arrayTemp]
    [tabwrite~ arrayCurrent]

    But it doesn't seem to be working, is there something else i should be doing?

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  • mattp

    That seems to have helped thanks.

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  • mattp

    Rhythm prototype.pd

    I want to convert a simple array of note durations(in multiples of beats) to an array of volume values based on ADSR. But it crashes PD, obviously there is an infinite loop somewhere but i dont know where. Would someone mind having a look at it?

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  • mattp

    Okay so I dont know whats wrong, but basically I cant manually make extended objects, I have to actually find their reference, and then copy and paste the objects from that.

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  • mattp

    I am using Pd extended but it doesnt seem to recognise tabset. Thats okay though, because if Pd interprets those messages as arrays then I can use them easy enough, I was just confused because I wasnt sure how Pd handled those messages in the first place.

    Thank you a lot for the help. You are a life saver.

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  • mattp

    Ive had a look around online and cant seem to find info on how to use bundles in PD and have come to a blank. I want to be able to write the following message to two different tables. They are two different messages.

    print: /rhythm 2 -1 -1 1 1 1 -1
    print: /melody 0 1 1 0 0 0 -2

    Can anyone help me do this?

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