• m.


    i have the same problem

    i tried like maelstorm said to write mrpeach but then this appears:
    error: mrpeach: can't open
    error: [dumpOSC]: OSCx is deprecated!
    Consider switching to mrpeach's [unpackOSC] and [udpreceive]
    OSCroute object version 1.05 by Matt Wright. pd: jdl Win32 raf.
    OSCroute Copyright ᄅ 1999 Regents of the Univ. of California. All Rights Reserved.
    error: [OSCroute]: OSCx is deprecated!
    Consider switching to mrpeach's [routeOSC]

    and when i put input device midi yoke 1
    it appears

    Warning: midi input is dangerous in Microsoft Windows\; see Pd manual)

    someone can help?


    posted in technical issues read more

Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!