• lovelmark

    This error statement TypeError: 'module' object is not callable is raised as you are being confused about the Class name and Module name. The problem is in the import line . You are importing a module, not a class. This happend because the module name and class name have the same name .

    If you have a class "MyClass" in a file called "MyClass.py" , then you should import :

    from MyClass import MyClass

    In Python , a script is a module, whose name is determined by the filename . So when you start out your file MyClass.py with import MyClass you are creating a loop in the module structure.

    In Python, everything (including functions, methods, modules, classes etc.) is an object , and methods are just attributes like every others. So,there's no separate namespaces for methods. So when you set an instance attribute, it shadows the class attribute by the same name. The obvious solution is to give attributes different names.

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Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!