• Lemoncurry

    Hi, tried doing something similar, although i'm using glovepie instead. Im simply sending the mouse information to start with, will move onto the wii after. But I'm getting the same 'error gatom' when trying to route the information into a number box. (routeOSC /mouseX). However, routing this into a PRINT object displays all the values sent by glovepie, ranging from 0 to 1. Is the message in the wrong format for a number box to read?

    posted in technical issues read more
  • Lemoncurry

    I've a problem similar to that of pdNOOB, i'm actually working from glovepie, but for the same purpose, starting by sending a simple message, the mouse position. so i have the routing working out ok from the udpreceive and routeOSC /mouseX, but i'm getting the 'gatom error' as well. if i print the result there is no problem, i get values ranging from 0 to 1. but if i replace the print with a number box, it doesnt show on the box and pd just prints 'gatom error: no method for 0.35' and every other number that is sent. is there some way to convert these messages into real numbers that pd can read?


    posted in technical issues read more
Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!