• lectronice

    Hi folks!

    I'm pretty new to pd~ and I'm trying to understand how to use numbers from a text file (technically, it's a .glkdata file generated by Inform 7). So far I've succeeded at printing the content of my file, but I don't understand how to actually send individual values somewhere else.

    / \
    [print( [read sounds.txt cr]
    \ |
    \ |
    \ |
    [unpack f f f f f ]
    | | | | |
    [0\ [0\ [0\ [0\ [0\

    So far the content of my file outputs in the console when I hit [bang( or [print(, but anything I've tried below [textfile] doesn't seem to pass any value. So I get something like this :

    --------- textfile or qlist contents: -----------
    * //56CBD4B9-7B09-4D19-8362-249C835E13F7// sounds \;
    ! Table of sounds (28) \;
    5 \;
    0 \;

    I'm trying to get individual output for the last tree lines, but nothing updates except in the console. I've also tried to use [msgfile] instead of [textfile], but for some strange reason, I get an instant crash whenever I send the bang. I suppose I miss something pretty obvious here, since I've built this patch after various similar examples without full understanding of how [textfile] / [unpack] works, but I'm running out of ideas... Could someone help me?

    posted in technical issues read more
  • lectronice

    Thanks for your explanations. What I still don't fully understand is what pd~ reads as individual list elements when reading a file. Are elements of a list delimited by spaces or other characters ? Or does each character of the file count as a list element? In my case, if I didn't use "cr", what would be the way to extract these last three floats from a single list? So far, each line produced by [textfile] is a different list, right?

    posted in technical issues read more
  • lectronice

    OK, I think I'm starting to grasp the logic :)

    In fact, I thought a bang to [textfile] would output a single list with each element being separated by a semicolon, not that each bang would give a list per line, hence the misuse of [unpack]. Now I'll try to find a way to automate the process by reading the file at regular intervals and output each float separately.

    Thanks, you helped a lot!

    posted in technical issues read more

Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!