• jobromedia

    I don't want to sound rude, but:

    Did you know that a decent manual helps a long way? The readme doesn't do it justice since it doesn't list all requirements to run this patch. There is for instance a dll that you need to have installed, but it doesn't provide a valid place to download it from.

    No offence intended.

    posted in patch~ read more
  • jobromedia

    I'm stunned to say the least! You know that when I hear something I like then I rather tell this to the composer. This is so awesome. Nuff said! Will blog about this one with a link to your topic, will take this ensemble to work even though I dare doing such a thing hehe. Been listening for at least 30 minutes, and I'm definitely stoned of this musical experience. And frankly I'm ready to play this as my music when I fall asleep. Call me crazy if you like to, but that's how I feel about such a masterpiece like this one.

    posted in patch~ read more
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