Hello everyone,
Version 1.4 of the Click Tracker is out, with the support of Carl Ludwig
Hübsch. The new features are:- new website
- beat direction forward/backward
- big display for beats + bar number
You can download the new version at http://j.mp/clicktracker14.
For more informations, refer to the Click Tracker's website at
http://j.mp/click-tracker.You can also visit the Click Tracker on facebook -
http://j.mp/clicktrackerfb - or on google plus -
http://j.mp/clicktrackergp.With best regards,
João Pais
jmmmpais@gmail.com | skype: jmmmpjmmmp
https://www.facebook.com/jmmmpais -
Hi all,
I remember a very old patch with a piano keyboard display that would allow users to play the computer keyboard as if it would be a piano. Does anyone know where that patch is, or if I didn't just dream it?
Dear forum,
I would like to present you the Click Tracker software.
The Click Tracker is a program designed for composers, conductors and
instrumentalists that work with modern music. The main goal of the
software is to prepare a click track of any score, no matter of how
complex it is.This software can be used either by conductors in concert, by musicians
for practise purposes, by composers while composing - or just to produce
and record a click track to be played back at a later point.The CLick Tracker can be downloaded freely in
http://code.google.com/p/clicktracker/ (Paypal donations are
possible and desired). It runs on Pure Data Extended (also a free program) in any operative system, and installation instructions for both programs are in the same page.I hope that you find this software useful. I would like to hear back of
any suggestions, critiques or simple feedback. You can keep up to date on
Click Track news on the facebook page
https://www.facebook.com/Click.Tracker.Best regards,
João Pais
when I choose to get this forum through rss (I use Opera), I get all the posts, but no thread organisation. Is it possible to get the messages sent to my mail like a normal list, e.g. the Pd list? I don't find it very efficient to log in and go to the web to read the forum.
João Pais
when I choose to get this forum through rss (I use Opera), I get all the posts, but no thread organisation. Is it possible to get the messages sent to my mail like a normal list, e.g. the Pd list? I don't find it very efficient to log in and go to the web to read the forum.
João Pais
has anyone got pd with all externals from cvs running on ubuntu sucessfully?
I've been trying to install it, but it doesn't compile right. I wanted to know how to keep updated with cvs (because of latest versions of pd and externals). I've been doing a page in the pdwiki about it, but alone I can't go much far. I am no programmer, and have little experience in linux.To see how far I've gone, show https://puredata.info/Members/jmmmp/ubuntuinst/.
It's very simple:
- launch the leap application
- launch the osc application that someone else compiled
- the data gets sent to the desired port
But by looking at the received data, I don't know if really everything is coming through.
Hi. I already received my unit, and would like to try out this external in Pd. For now I'm using someone else's osc bridge, but it might be more efficient to get this infor through an external?
did you know my abstraction [jmmmp/bezier]? It does a 4-point cubic bezier
curve, with several other features like parameter export and recall. With
0.43-ext comes the control version, probably in the next edition the
signal version will be there as well. But I send both here.
I also wanted to do a version with unlimited segments, but I didn't find
the math for it yet (it's not the same as calculating one segment after the other using the same formula), and also it's not that trivial to program it with data structures. The best would be if someone would make a real external using a tcl/tk gui, but that might not happen that soon.João
Hi nau,
that's a very nice concept. Only one problem, data structures is very unefficient for it, you'll need lots of cpu just for the display.
Do you know cyclone/Scope~? That's the same object as max/msp, and I think it works well. Unless you need all the infos in the arrays for something else, then it's a good point to use data structures. -
since I don't know how to read C, I can only wait until a feature is documented, or mentioned in the pd-list. Someone else said something about [send-window vis 0/1(--[pointer] in the list, and I took note.
I would prefer to add my files in the puredata.info website. But as I said before, I'm still waiting for another chance of presenting them, and do some more changes in the content (or maybe even in the presentation and examples, if I have the time).
I don't make that many so much convoluted patches
I guess both [bezier] and [swatch] were a kind of inspiration, and concentrated problem-solving (each was done in around 1 day). Actually it's not that different from other people who use a clock of some kind to update a gui - since [struct] outputs the operation+pointer, that serves as clock (which is an advantage to "normal" Pd).Yes, reading Miller's original paper on Pd, this was created (mainly?) to add data structures to Max. All these years gone by, and not so much has been done - new features come very slowly, one or two in each release.
I use data structures some times when I need an interaction between a dynamic graphic + user actions. But still, they're quite basic.I repeat again, Pd would gain a lot if someone would port ftm to Pd (or continue IOhannes' work on it). This would give us a very much more potent and elegant data structures framework.
Until then, we'll have to make due with what we have. It works nevertheless, but it is quite slow to program.
Here is an updated workshop file, with my examples. I can't put some examples of other persons, but they're available online.
the circle in swatch is made by [drawcurve 0 2 p1x p2y p2x p3y p3x p2y p2x p1y p1x p2y]; all points are declared in the [struct] in the same patcher. I don't know if this is the most efficient way (better ask F Barknecht, J Wilkes or someone else), but the technique is the following, as I recall:
- define 5 points in a drawcurve (last point is the same as the first, to make a closed circle)
- since the whole circle (that is, 5 pairs of coordinates) has to be dynamic to move around, I use the change flag to always reset the display of the circle everytime the values change.
(something similar happens in bezier; again, that might not be the most efficient way of doing this) - I think that [drawpolygon 0 2 p0x(0:258) p0y(0:65) p0x. p0y.] acts as boundary controller for the circle, by limiting the values sent to [set $0-rgb-sel p1x p2x p3x] and [set $0-rgb-sel p1y p2y p3y].
In general with structs, a good way to know which one is what is to connect a toggle to the drawing object (0 hides structs, =!0 shows them).
For the limiting of boundaries you only need the
aaa:aaa) part. The bbb is for rescaling. If you leave it out, it uses the same values as the input.
Aha, my examples weren't included in the zip file. Most of them should be in Pd-Ext anyway. I'll put in a new file later.
Hi Katja,
just a couple of small details about the complex plane patch (I can just look at it for some minutes):
- uau, that's a complicated circle you drew. Maybe you can adapt the circle I did in [swatch]?
- the order of creation of the scalars is the only way to determine which are shown on top of others. Probably you already know that, but just to make sure.
- there's one bug bound to happen, that you also see documented in [bezier]: when the grab points go outside the gop frame, the data structure will stop responding. It will still work, but you won't be able to grab it, you have to reset it from the outside; (look at the help file of [bezier])
- this can be avoided, if you put some limits to the action field of the scalars. Is this patch just to serve as an illustration of incoming data, or can people use it as control gui for another patch?
If the 1st, then it's not a problem. If the 2nd, then you can program some limits to the template, so that the grab points don't go outside the gop box. I don't have the reference right now, but look for the "floataaa:aaa)" kind of command in my workshop files.
Hi Katja,
I don't know Juce, so can't do any comparations.
Strange, I never had any problems with [swatch]. I noticed that patches with data structures crash more often in ubuntu than in windows (which is strange, since Pd is developed in unix), specially when closing them - at least with other more complex patches I have. But as I remember, never had that problem with these small abstractions. Is there any way of getting an error report, and send it to the developer gurus?I will also look at your plane patch as soon as I can, unfortunately am too busy these days.
here are the patches of the workshop. There are other things I wanted to program, but that will have to wait until another workshop comes through...
About [pd-colors], I think I didn't make it until 999, because afaik after 899 the last row just repeats itself. Doesn't matter how high you go, it just repeats the last row always.
You can check it yourself by creating more scalars with [until]. If I remember correctly, if you just change the number before [until], it creates more scalars, positioning them in the right place.Can you check if [bezier] comes with pd-ext-0.43? I think it did come with the version I have here.
Suggestions/critique is always welcome.
about [led], I'm not sure if J Kreidler already did a similar thing. There was also an object somewhere that was a bang which could be rescaled in both dimensions.
A data-s-gui abstraction library could be nice, yes. I already did a version of [swatch], but it wasn't ready in time to be included in 0.43 (it also has a circle). Does the attached file work?
I myself can't help much now (am too busy), but to give advices is cheap:
- in case you want to do gui abstractions, don't try anything that has too much movement (data-s are tcl, and tcl is slow);
- to avoid memory space conflicts from using several templates with the same name, it's better to use $0 in all templates+scalars. for that you should create the scalars at loadbang, e.g. like I do in [swatch], [jmmmp/pd-colors] (a good resource for anyone using colors with data-s) or in [jmmmp/bezier] (a more complex example)
Although data structures can be very powerful as a composition/data display tool, since Pd was started [and apparently Pd started because of them] they didn't evolve that much. People can do lobbying to Miller, to see if the puts some more work into them. I already sent some mails several times, suggesting the simple operations I usually mention in my workshop, which require lots of coding.
Another thing that might be looked up by a programmer can be, porting the ftm library from Max/MSP. It's much more robust and mature than Pd's data structures, and, quite frankly, we would all win if we could use this - http://ftm.ircam.fr/index.php/Main_Page and http://sourceforge.net/projects/ftm/.
Besides all the data display+handling apparatus, ftm also has some very good audio objects, which use the data stored by the libraries. IOhannes already did some work in the port, but apparently it stopped.João
Hi Katja,
didn't you get the materials of my data structures workshop in Weimar? In one of them there's a small animation of some circles getting bigger - data-s_07.pd, the circles template.