• jashworth

    hi i am new to pure data and am making a project where i need to make a patch where incoming digital data is converted in an analog out signal - PWM. if any one can help me that would be much apreciated. like i said i am a puredata new comer so as much detail as possble would be great.
    many thanks

    posted in technical issues 19 years agoread more
  • jashworth

    well the basic idea is that i will be using the output data of a gavanic skin response sensor to control the mood( colour of a room) though lighting.

    i have looked around and found that ardurino board are good for this type of thing and found a piece of code that dims between 3 colours of LED.

    I spoke to another person who said that using pure data i would need to amke a patch that convert the digital signal into an analogue one. Unofrtunatly he didnt elabourate on this and has left bit confused about how pure data links with teh ardurino boards?

    if u can help into how i can achieve the result im after that would be great


    posted in technical issues 19 years agoread more
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