• jakabasej9

    @lordgreekfolder said:

    @ingox thanks, I didn't know about that page.

    I guess what I meant though is that compared to something like SuperCollider or Monome, PD seems to be fractured into many distinct communities. It's great that that page exists with all those resources, and it's also great to have so many different options for people's different preferences. But I sometimes wonder what could happen if, for example, everyone on the PD mailing list also hung out on this forum. When you have a community dispersed into so many smaller pieces, I think there are bad side effects. Like, for example, certain knowledge or sets of expertise that are well-represented in one area, like the Discord server, but not in another, like the IRC.

    It seems like, especially if you're new to PD, that this can be a major hindrance.

    You raise an interesting point about the fragmentation of the Pure Data community into various distinct communities and platforms.

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  • jakabasej9

    @myQwil said:

    Performing a static build is also an option. That would make it so that the libraries are built into the external. I've always been on the fence about distributing a static build though because I've read that some of the decoders used in the ffmpeg library are proprietary. Their site talks about that near the bottom of this page: https://www.ffmpeg.org/legal.html

    It sounds like it's only a problem if someone, as they put it, "starts trying to make money from patented technologies" but since this is being distributed freely, it's probably not an issue.

    Thanks for bringing up the option of performing a static build!

    posted in extra~ read more
  • jakabasej9

    @ricky said:

    The externals are 32bit. If you're running 64bit, then you'll run into bother. I'll compile 64bit versions and post them shortly.

    Thanks for the heads up!

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  • jakabasej9

    @atux said:

    @whale-av said:

    @atux [env] could be this (mapping library abstractions from Pd extended)....... env.zip

    Thanks, I installed env.
    Now the screen is this:


    posted in patch~ read more

Internal error.

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