• J_


    So I successfully installed puredata on my raspberryPi, using the last verion of raspbian.

    I run a test patch (osc~440 into dac~).
    It works properly with the internal jack output.

    I need to have an audio input, so I bought a Logitech Usb To 3.5 (referenced as a working soundcard).
    It works properly with alsa player
    aplay /usr/share/scratch/Media/Sounds/Vocals/Singer1.wav

    But when running my test patch (nogui), I can hear the sinewave plus a constant distorted sound.

    I tried a lot of options, dwc_otg.speed=1, etc. but I can't get it working properly.

    Any of you have a usb soundcard properly with puredata?

    Thanks for your advices,

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  • J_


    I need to find a good way to detect a specific sound in a room of a museum. People will be given an object that makes a percussive noise (like a clapperboard), and I have to detect it and trigger sounds in response to that noise.

    So far I’ve been playing with bonk~, but I can’t get good results using the learn mode. I got bonk working very well to distinct a finished number of various percussive sounds, but not with a specific one between hundreds of noises that could be done in the museum environment.

    Has anyone done something similar? any ideas on how I could tweak bonk to do that?
    thanks for your advices!


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  • J_

    Using satellite ccrma, I get a good audio quality when any input is deactivated, but when I try to activate the input the sound gets really glitchy.

    Do you have any information which could help me?

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  • J_

    Anyone managed to obtain a good sound quality?

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  • J_

    TimbreID, bark and bonk get really effective when I want to distinct a sound between others already 'known'.
    I'll give a try using correlation and matched filtering.


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