hodja k
What on earth is the trick with the write sound-file object. I have tried many differnt things , including whats on the help-patch,, but no recordings appear anywhere
Vilbjørg -
hodja k
(this is my first contact with the forum, thanx to everyone for pd, its really great to work with)
i am trying to create 4 audio inputs by combining buildin-input and a 2 track soundcard (Tascam us-122) via an aggregate device.. I am working in osx 10.4.11. and Pd version 0.39.3-extended-rc5..
Pd recognizes the aggregate device in the preferences - audiosettings, but no sound comes in. (pd has no problem with the buildin nor with tascam when chosen separately)
I have tried to use the aggregate device in another program - Bidule - on the same computer and it works with 4 inputs.
Does anyone has any experience or tricks here.
http://www.antidelusionmechanism.org -
hodja k
i sometimes let the frequency readings from fiddle run through a float f object before the line, connecting frequency value to the right inlet and eg the bang from the same fiddle to the left inlet so that just 1 value is passed through by the bang