• highvolt


    I have been using PD for a while now, but I have not found much documentation that explains each aspect of [vcf~]

    I understand that the first inlet is for the signal to be filtered and the third inlet is the Q amount.

    The aspect of [vcf~] I need the most help understanding is that the second inlet controls multiple settings of the filter itself.

    Specifically, I would appreciate an explanation of how to set the following:

    Main cut-off frequency
    Range in HZ above/below to allow
    Usage of a LFO to control the filter

    I appreciate any explanations that make this more straightforward.

    Alternatively, an explanation showing how PD would implement the MiniMoog's basic filter knobs as input for [vcf~] would be great.

    I understand that those settings are all basically determined by the second inlet to [vcf~] and that you need to apply different arithmetic objects into the same signal for the proper signal to go into the second inlet. Unfortunately, I haven't found much documentation that explains how to set the filter settings in that input signal.

    Thank you!

    posted in technical issues read more
  • highvolt

    Thank you very much for your response.

    Your explanation is very helpful, so I appreciate it. I'll see whether [vcf~] or [moog~]/[muug~] works out better for my usage (making sawtooth/square bass to 'wobble').

    posted in technical issues read more

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