• heikkiket

    I made a quite handy helper library for Livid Block Pure data development.
    This Block Abstractions library provides led, button, knob and slider objects. You can just say [livid-slider 1] and get the output of first slider in your Livid Block. Other objects work similar. Button and led objects can have unlimited amount of different states. You can have for example three-state off-blink-on led with just few lines of pd code.

    This script should be quite easy to modify to work with Ohm and other Legacy Livid controllers. Maybe even the new ones? If someone is interested using this, I'd appreciate any feedback: heikki . ketoharju [at] iki.fi.

    You can grab the library here: http://heikki.ketoharju.info/pd/block-abstractions/

    More info about legacy Livid Controllers: http://lividinstruments.com/legacy/

    posted in abstract~ read more
  • heikkiket

    Hi all!

    I've been using my own modified version of Axiome looper[1] a year and half now. The problem is that every time I load samples to a looper, a little dropout happens. I think this is usual behaviour with soundfiler.

    I've read about threaded soundfiler object [2] but I'm not sure how hard it is to get this object compiled. I think I should compile whole pd-extended.

    Is there threaded soundfiler object or some other object already installed and ready to use in pd-extended? If not, is there any plans to include one in future versions?

    And last, what would be the best way to get rid of audio dropouts? Do I have to compile pd-extended by myself? How hard would it be in KXStudio Linux installation based on Ubuntu 12.10?

    [1] http://heikki.ketoharju.info/en/axiome
    [2] http://grh.mur.at/software/sndfiler.html

    posted in technical issues read more
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