• harriebo

    I made a demo video of an experimental patch:

    Technical details and the patch I will make available as soon as my website is ready, vjharriebo.com.
    It will also demonstrate an issues I found using a vloopback as input for Gem. When the stream stops and continues, Pure Data will hang completely.
    Would it be possible to look in to this? It would be a awesome setup, but not really usable if pure data will hang if one stream gets broken.
    I also I would like to know what people think of this setup and have any ideas, questions or suggestions.


    posted in patch~ read more
  • harriebo

    I am trying to connect the YUV output stream from LiVES as an input for Gem. LiVES has a FIFO output, works like this after enabling in config:
    mkfifo /tmp/steam.yuv
    lives-exe > /tmp/stream.yuv

    But at this point I got stuck. I can not find a way to open YUV streams in Gem, or streams in general. As far I know I could only find support for video files and v4l devices. I have tried using yuv_to_v4l, but this is outdated and does not work.

    Has any one got this working before or has a clue if it is possible to open YUV streams in Gem.


    posted in technical issues read more
  • harriebo

    I got it working with mjpegtools_yuv_to_v4l. It seems to be you have to specify the resolution not only in LiVES, but also when reading the v4l device, other wise it will assume the wrong resolution. So specifying this in both LiVES and pd (or xawt) gives you a clear image.

    Still the colors are not right. Green is ok, but red en blue seem to switch. I have played around with the colorspace settings from the input device, which seem have affect in the way that the brightness/hue of the colors change, but still blue and red are switched in both YUV and RGBA colorspaces. Grey has no issues.
    xawt does output the colors right, only pd seems to have issues with color swapping.

    Any suggestions how to fix this?

    posted in technical issues read more
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