• Grumpy_Mike

    I want to send some OSC messages to an Arduino. I ham using the Arduino OSC library from http://cnmat.berkeley.edu/library/oscuino/controlling_oscuino/touchosc

    The examples in this library contain a PD patch called SerialOscuino and I have used that to successfully receive messages from the Arduino into PD.

    However I am having trouble getting it to work the other way round, that is sending stuff from PD that the Arduino can understand.

    Does any one know of the matching Arduino sketch that I can use with this application, or a way PD can send data over OSC to the Arduino.

    I am very much a beginner in PD but have quite a bit of experience with the Arduino.


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  • Grumpy_Mike

    I have solved it!

    The problem was that the SerialOscRead example was looking for OSC bundle messages. Where as the SerialOscuino was sending OSC messages.

    There are no receive examples for just simple messages in the examples folder of the OSC library. What I had to do was simply change

    OSCBundle to OSCMessage and the SerialOscRead now worked with the PD patch.

    Thanks for reading. I hope it will be useful to someone else in the future.

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  • Grumpy_Mike

    OK thanks for reading so far.

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  • Grumpy_Mike

    Tried sending all sorts but the example at the arduino end wants
    /led n
    where n is an int 0 or one.
    I also tried
    /led on
    /led off
    where on and off are strings, as the receive code on the Arduino will accept that format as well. Except it doesn't seem to work.

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  • Grumpy_Mike

    The PD object is 0.io.slipserial and it receives data fine, it is when it comes to sending data it appears not to work.

    I have looked at the output from packOSC and the output of unpackOSC using a print box and they look like the same correct format. Only the values sent to the Arduino running SerialOscReceive does not trigger anything when it comes to calling the .dispatch method.

    I am not sure if this is PD not sending the right thing or SerialOscReceive not doing the right thing.

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