• graphite412

    Hi guys, I'm trying to make an ametric Chord sequencer that is semi-interactive. I have some arrays with predetermined notes which works great, and I can figure out how to make my chords go from midi note on to midi note off using two different horizontal radios, but what I'm really trying to make is a group of chords that can be picked from a horizontal radio and the notes will go from on to off when I change between the spaces on the radio. This would make it easy to pick a chord for an undetermined amount of time, then switch to another. I'm not looking for using a predetermined note duration, midi controllers, or key/keyup. This way I can click a box and kind of just leave it and keep my hands free. Any advice is appreciated. This one seems to have stumped me......

    posted in technical issues read more
  • graphite412

    Is there any easy way to make a midi panic button that will turn all midi notes off or is there an object that already does this?

    posted in technical issues read more
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