• ghovagimyan

    I'm using [prepend open "/path to file/"] with coll. Coll has a listing convention;
    1, this is a file;
    2, this is another file;

    [prepend open "/path to file/"]
    open /path to file/ this is a file

    This works but there's a space before "this is a file". I've tried removing the space in the coll file but it doesn't work.

    Any help or ideas?

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  • ghovagimyan

    I have the following list in [coll] --

    1, open /Users/gh_home/Desktop/glass_morph/bow2bs.mov;
    2, open /Users/gh_home/Desktop/glass_morph/bs2bud.mov;
    3, open /Users/gh_home/Desktop/glass_morph/bud2bv.mov;
    4, open /Users/gh_home/Desktop/glass_morph/bv2gla.mov;
    5, open /Users/gh_home/Desktop/glass_morph/dis2bow.mov;
    6, open /Users/gh_home/Desktop/glass_morph/gla2dis.mov;

    I can use [random 6] and at the end of file trigger a random movie loads. You'll notice the movies have symbol-int-symbol in their titles. I'm trying to match the symbols after the integer with the symbol before the integer to load a random series of seamless movies. how do I sort and match before and after the integer on a coll list?

    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated...

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  • ghovagimyan

    How can I make a trap or counter that waits for two bangs from two inlets before outputting one bang?

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  • ghovagimyan

    I've found you can use openNI2TUIO with the Kinect camera and PD. You can use [tuio_client] object to get fiducials. This works and is stable. I am now trying to get the video from the openNI2TUIO into a gem window. I've tried KINECTvideo but not able to get video image. Yes I've installed libfreenect and libusb but the only video I get is from my built in mac camera. Any tips would be appreciated.

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  • ghovagimyan

    Re: portaudio glitch --
    You may have a latency problem. Try PD pulldown menu >audio setup > Try increasing your delay(msecs) to 100. This may correct the problem. you can also mess with the sample rate but I think delay(ms) is your best bet. You can also put in delays in your program. I think the problem is your processor needs some time delay to route your signals.

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  • ghovagimyan

    Seems like

    and [matrix] are objects that use the [message ( object to store data. The [matrix] object in other programming is used to store large amounts of data in memory and make it quickly accessible. I believe you can't see what's in a [matrix] once the data has been stored in it. I mean maybe you can by looking at the [message ( flag but what happens when you have thousands of bit of info stored or you are creating a matrix on-the-fly?

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  • ghovagimyan

    I was a bit confused. I assumed that [coll] was a list!
    Thanks again!

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  • ghovagimyan

    Thanks Sunji. That works!
    So it's not necessary to use a "prepend".

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  • ghovagimyan

    This is a part of the patch I'm writing using the kinect camera. The numbers give X,Y,Z coordinates. the problem is they're in floating point. In order to [select] or [match] I had to convert to integers.

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  • ghovagimyan

    Thanks! I'll test this later. If it works, I'll post the full logic. It's kinda interesting. Sort of an *and* logic gate.

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Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!