Hello everyone,
I use Pd almost always with multiple MIDI devices in my OSX. So I want to get the right way to start Pd with some flags.
If I give the following command:/Applications/Pd-extended.app/Contents/MacOS/Pd-extended -midiindev 1,2,3,4
I get the following feedback:
david$ /Applications/Pd-extended.app/Contents/MacOS/Pd-extended -midiindev 1,2,3,4
tk scaling is 1.0
retrying connect...
retrying connect...
retrying connect...
retrying connect...
retrying connect...
retrying connect...
retrying connect...
retrying connect...
retrying connect...
connecting stream socket: Invalid argument (22)Is this the right way?
Thanks in advance -
I hope there is something better than the TR909 thing I checked ... years ago, and both communities (of Processing and Pd) have moved on
Hi wiccy,
did you look at the pd-tutorial.com ?
The " Even / odd partials" sub-folder explains [wrap~] object really well -
Thanks Maelstorm,
you are keeping this forum alive! -
Hi cyberbob,
I don't know if I can surely understand your question.
Would this be helpful?[toggle]
[moses 0.5]
| |
[bang( [bang(With this, what you have is when toggle's value becomes 0 (zero) left bang is triggered. If the value becomes 1, right bang is triggered.
After each bang you just throw in what you have in mind to be triggered. -
in moses you just put a value. Then when "numbers" coming in LEFT INLET are smaller than this value-> they are output from the LEFT OUTPUT. If bigger or equal, you get them from the RIGHT output.
It's like ">"You have probably to search all over this forum and you 'll get enough links with tutorials for beginners.
Good luck! -
Hi Flipp,
The build farm you are looking to is for Pd-extended and not the Vanilla.http://puredata.info/community/projects/software/pure-data
Here is the Pd Vanilla which was uploaded lately and it's in 0.43. For me (on Mac) IS NOT usable though . The sound doesn't work, so it's obviously buggy at the moment.