• George

    Hello all,

    I have created a very simple little reverb patch in pd which i now need to turn into an audio plug in.
    I decided on developing it as a .vst plug in but ran into countless problems with juice amongst other things, so i'm going down the .au route.
    I'm compiling in xcode (with little knowledge of C) and need to have the plug in done as soon as possible as it's for my final project at SAE of which the deadline is fast approaching. My first port of call is finding the core audio SDK online, and essentially carrying out the steps in this article http://sample-hold.com/2011/11/23/getting-started-with-audio-units-on-os-x-lion-and-xcode-4-2-1/

    I'm just wondering wether anyone here has a bit of experience doing this?
    Any and all help would be vastly appreciated. I massively underestimated this part of the project and i'm suffering because of it.

    Thank you guys,


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  • George

    Hello all,

    This is my first post on the board, I have been working on a patch tonight which I would like to get a bit of feedback/ help on.

    I'm trying to create a Schroeder-style reverb for a university project, I'm reasonably new to pd and have been relying heavily on youtube tutorials and the pd help files.
    I have left some notes within the canvas of some of the issues I am having.

    I was pretty apprehensive about posting my first patch on a forum so full of experts, but let's see how it goes. Any help would be massively appreciated, thank you guys.


    p.s, apologies in advance for the messiness

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  • George

    Hi there

    I am having serious problems trying to figure out how to turn my very simple pd reverb into a .vst plugin.
    I tried .au, and actually got somewhere with it, but unfortunately, libpd is a little beyond my comprehension at this stage.

    So i decided to do a little thinking about how to overcome the issues i was having. I remembered Max and did a little research. It seems reasonably """easy""" to transfer a pd patch into max. Is this a correct assumption to make? I understand there are often issues with the conversion process when including externals, however, I have the great advantage of having written my pd patch completely vanilla.

    HOWEVER, as with every single thing i have attempted in this project, it's not going to be entirely simple since Max MSP lost it's .vst and .au creating ability after version 5 I believe.
    The key things i am looking into now are 'Pluggo'. Also removed from version 5 so i need to get a hold of version 4 somewhere..

    My question is - am I chasing a pipe dream or am I going to need to get stuck into libpd and Xcode? Is it really possible to create a .vst OR .au plug in this easily?! I'm somewhat skeptical.

    Any advice is much appreciated. I will also be doing my own research into this, but perhaps theres someone... anyone out there can offer a bit of advice!

    Thank you.

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  • George

    Okay, so libpd is my entry for all of this. I have created a template for an .au in Xcode, took a few hours since apple removed CoreAudio and essentially any support for people compiling plug in's in .au.

    My problem now is where to start with libpd?

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  • George

    @sebfumaster said:

    get this https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/samplecode/CoreAudioUtilityClasses/Introduction/Intro.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/DTS40012328 if you haven't already. You should already have the CoreAudio framework if you have a new version of Xcode. Apple development setup really differs depending on which Xcode/ system you're on, one of the reasons I don't want to put up with their ridiculous undocumented API change shenanigans. (I had a similar problem trying to program stuff with automator/applescript)
    Good luck

    Thank you buddy, i now have all the relevant core audio SDK utility classes, a little unsure of what to do next with them. In previous versions of Xcode, they would have been put into the extras section of the developer files. That file no longer exists in Xcode 5.0.1 (what i'm using). As you said, everything seems to be undocumented. Not sure what apple is playing at, i've been stuck even creating the .au template for a little over two hours. I'm also not entirely sure where my pd patch comes into play with all of this.
    Lots of questions, i know. It's difficult finding someone who has a bit of knowledge about this very specialised exercise.

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  • George

    Okay, I seem to have finished, only issue is the dampening slider. I tried to use a lop~ object to get better tone shaping but I couldn't seem to get it working. When the reverb is all the way up, it does offer a little dampening but i'd still like it to be more dramatic.
    Critique on the patch is welcome


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  • George

    @mod said:

    as far as high freq cutoff goes, it looks like it's just the way that reverb is designed.

    what you can do though, use a lop~ BEFORE the signal goes into the reverb in the first place. That will give you a much stronger tone shaping.

    for wet/dry see the patch i'm attaching

    This is great, i've been messing around with the low pass filters, it didn't occur to me to use it in conjunction with the reverb
    I'm going to take a look at that w/d patch now, i'm sure I won't have any issue implementing that.
    Thank you for your help! I expect I will be back with more questions this afternoon :)

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  • George

    @mod said:

    ok, look...i downloaded your patch, but here's the thing:

    it would take me 20 minutes to clean everything up and make it work without explaining what i did, but to fix it up and explain all that stuff to you, would take an hour or more.

    you're going to have to break it all up into little jobs and ask one question at a time. I don't think you can just hand us a laundry list of troubles and expect us to go through them for you.

    you make it easy for us to help you, and we will.

    I appreciate you taking a look at the patch for me, thank you. I'm new to this and I think I rushed a little bit with my questions.

    I've been doing a bit of work o the patch and i've made some improvements. I'm getting stuck on creating a wet/dry mix in one place rather than changing individual levels. I'm also pretty sure theres something wrong with what i've done with the high frequency crossover and damping. I have attempted changing pretty much all of the values with the two parameters but i can't seem to get either an effective high frequency cut off, or a convincing damping effect on the reverb. It seems very washy at the moment. I'd really appreciate some help regarding these issues.

    I'll attach the latest version of the patch below


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