• gecko

    vst1 does not exist, do you mean vst2 or vst3?

    Yes, thank you for the correction!

    And no it is not possible to run desktop audio plugins hosted inside a pd patch on the Daisy.

    This is amazing! Thanks a lot! :smile:

    About unsupported objects: how people usually get around these? On the list I see quite an amount of object, what I'm using. I guess the only way is to modify the patch in a way that it is doing the same thing in a different way, is this right? For example using lots of number boxes instead of a list?

    posted in technical issues read more
  • gecko

    This question is probably gonna be a noob one, sorry for that.

    I have a plugin, both in lv2 and vst1 format and I want to integrate into my pd patch, but I'm stuck. Does anyone have any good input on the subject? Also, my final goal is not just to integrate it into my patch, but port the whole thing together onto daisy. Is this possible?

    posted in technical issues read more
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