• ge0rg

    Hi folks. I just recently started to get into pd and I have the following issues.
    I use lubuntu, but I'm not really proficent with linux, I do so more for performance reasons on my slow netbook.

    1. sound output works, but clicking media/test audio and midi or the menu entry below that that I cannot translate does not cause anything to happen.
    2. However, recording sound does not seem to work. I tried to compile a pretty simple patch from a tutorial:
      [writesf~], whereinto I feed, in this order [open test.wav(, [start(, [stop(.
      What I get is a .wav file with a couple of seconds of silence. Yes, I did turn on DSP.
      I have not been able to test midi yet.

    Also, I did this with the internal sound card of my netbook and my focusrite scarlett 2i2 that works perfectly with other applications such as ardour.Both cards give me the same result with pd.

    I do not, at least consciously, use jack because I never got how it works and every time when I tried to mess with it, it caused problems. However, as I said, for instance running Ardour right after installation gives me perfectly fine input and output.

    EDIT: But if it helps: When I open jack and go to the connect window, nothing gets displayed in the audio tab (where I should see my soundcards, right?) At least I can see my midi controller in the alsa-midi tab.

    I really hope you guys can help me! Thaks in advance,

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  • ge0rg

    Update: Now I have been able to test midi, and unfortunately, it does not work. I have a Korg nanopad2 that works fine on my desktop windows pc with pd.
    On my linux netnook, it doesnot, [notein] does not send anything on the first outlet. Also, when I go to media/setup midi, I just see the number of inputs/outputs but not the device.
    In jack, the nanopad is displayed correctly.

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  • ge0rg

    Ah okay, not necessary anymore, silly me. I didn't attach any audio cables to the inlet, because I got the impression from the tutorial that it was gonna record from my audio input...thanks for your help! I attached an oscillator and voila!
    Is everything else normal (the fact that test audio and midi does nothing etc.?)

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Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!