• gclar051

    Hello all,
    Ive been sending mubers through the Classic Synth patch and getting some pretty rad JohnCarpenter Assault on Precinct 13 sounds from it,
    but Im wondering are there other patches like this available where I could get the sounds of other more contermpary instruments like guitars or pianos or the likes,
    if there is where can I find them, please and thank you :) Gav

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  • gclar051

    Im still only beginning with PureData,
    so I thank all who are replying to my questions no matter how moronic they may sound :)

    Im putting numbers through the makenote object and then passing that through the classicsynth patch thats in the audio examples,
    how can I go about linking this up to something like the writesf patch,
    and record the sounds that are being made?
    please and thank you :)

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  • gclar051

    Im still not very good at this But learning all the time,
    but anywho,
    Im making this sequencer,
    and Im using the qlist object to load information from a textfile,
    that would say something like "add tempo 120"
    hopefully representing a pace of 120beats per minute,
    and setting the metro to 60000, ie. miliseconds in a minute,
    if this is possible how would I attach this altogether to make it work,
    keep in mind here I could be talking through my arse,
    I dont know,
    Im only asking :) please and thank you, Gav

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  • gclar051

    How can one make PureData shut itself down after its purpose or process has been completed,
    please and thank you :) Gav

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  • gclar051

    I dont know wether this is possible or not,
    and I have looked through the tutorials,
    it is possible Ive overlooked it though so hopefully no one gets annoyed at me asking a question that may seem so simple to them,
    but is it possible to change the sound of the MakeNote, Noteout object from the stereotypical midi piano sound, to something else, like tubular bells or glockenspiel or Bass or whatever,
    please and thank you to all responces :) Gav

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  • gclar051

    I have absolutely no concpet or idea of how any of this works really,
    I am a multimedia student in Dundalk Institute of Technology Ireland,
    And the project I am trying to create goes a little like this...

    the user walks into "this" room,
    "this" room, not literally the computer room in our house,
    "this" being the porject installation for the exhibition day,
    where they sit in front of a moniter and answer a series of questions,
    through a control form that still isnt really decided yet,
    were actually now thinking about making our own controllers,
    using fader/sliders sort of controls,
    although not as analogue, they would act as simple switches or buttons,
    sliding it up fully to make a choice or that.
    the interface will be designed on director,
    this being the program our interface designer is most comfortable with
    and on this the questions will appear and be answered,
    and it should be able to store all the collected information in some form of database,

    There's like 4 different series of questions,
    IQ/Logic, Personality, Attitude and Emmotion,
    each with about 10questions except for the logic which will be time and score based and contain puzzles and the likes.
    Anyway this gathered information then is kinda translated,
    into what we hope to be like a 40second or so melody.
    Different answers all have a different outcome,
    not as simple as just piling on a load of different samples,
    but more piling together different musical elements,
    like one persons could have a time signature of 3:4 or 4:4 or 11:8 or whatever,
    and the scales involved, the key its in, the tempo,
    the amount of layers, and the instruments in each,
    the amount of notes per bar and the length certain notes should be,
    the majority of questions and what they should be reflective of musically is
    actually almost complete in its research actually,
    the problem Im facing is sending this information on to something that will automatically produce this melody,
    "Pure Data", is what has been recommended to me by lecturers in the music department,
    but to be honest Im not managing very well,
    Im trying to work through tutorials at the moment,
    and theres alot expected off me in the next few days,
    and in the event of this not working for me am supposed to have some other alternative?
    Personally what I hoped to do, is just like have all these things,
    elements of the melody that is,
    to be able to be input into some sort of sequencer,
    like if the melody is to be at a tempo of 130 or whatever than thats added to the track,
    and whatever the other details are there added to the new track too,
    and then its ready,
    but is anything like that possible with any software sequencers that your aware of,
    or to do something like that would it involve reprogramming things or what,
    like you know the way on one of these programs like reason or whatever,
    you can humanly set all these charactoristics for the tune,
    can you have it so that this information is sent on to a program like this,
    and interprets and arranges all the material for you in this way?
    Ive managed to download one such sequencer arranger program,
    I think it even has the ability to perhaps record some of my own sounds into it too,
    tiz called Ableten Live 7

    Does anyone know how to achieve... easily rather than hard, what it is am trying to do here :) any replys welcome, thank you :) Gav

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  • gclar051

    any good reasons to why this opens fine on my PC,
    accept for not being able to loacate some VST thing and a compression thing,

    but doenst function at all on my Mac,
    instead throws up a whole lot of errors about things it cant find?

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  • gclar051

    no takers,
    probably means Im talking through my arse so,

    but like,
    is there no plug-ins or anything of such available? :)

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  • gclar051

    Thank you man,
    your a legend,
    sorry to actually have been of bother,
    I realize now that alot can be found from just searching amongst the archives,
    thank you :) Gav

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  • gclar051

    Hopefully attached to this message will be an example of my patch I hope to use to record,
    also I will attach the audio player aswell,
    What I want is to play numerical values through one and have it be recorded through the writesf object,
    but I just dont know how to link them,
    help someone if you can :) thank you


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  • gclar051

    Hopefully attached to this message will be an example of my patch I hope to use to record,
    also I will attach the audio player aswell,
    What I want is to play numerical values through one and have it be recorded through the writesf object,
    but I just dont know how to link them,
    help someone if you can :) thank you


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  • gclar051

    Cheers :)

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